Charity Donations

If you don’t already know, the much anticipated, Corkfhest 2020 has had to be postponed. The festival is an event which is normally hosted by our good friends – Tremonia Bhoys CSC, based in Dortmund, Germany. We had have members travel over to the Zum Zollner in Dortmund for the past few Summers and mighty craic was had and a strong friendship formed with our friends from Germany. To give the festival it’s original title – Sommerfest, has become a much sought after event and it was decided that this Summer, it would be held in Cork and hosted by ourselves – Cork No. 1 CSC. It was something that everyone was looking forward to. There was approximately 70 of the Tremonia Bhoys travelling to the Rebel County this coming July. There was 20 other Celtic Supporters’ Clubs along with friends from Switzerland, Scotland, Holland, England, the North and further afield expected in attendance. A lot of thought and planning was put into the festivities and thanks to our Club President – Pearse Flynn who was paramount in the preparation, with the main event taking place at the new ‘Seachurch’ in Ballycotton.

One thing that the Cork No.1 CSC takes very seriously is fundraising for charity. We try our best to follow the example of Celtic Football Club who after all, were established for the benefit of those who were less fortunate.  An agreement has been reached that the Cork No. 1 CSC and the Tremonia Bhoys CSC will be making donations to the following charities…

  • Cork No.1 CSC will donate 500 Euros to Headway Ireland,
  • Tremonia Bhoys CSC will donate 500 Euros to Tafel Dortmund.


Headway Ireland

Headway is an Irish registered charity and an internationally accredited brain injury services organisation that supports adults (18+) who are affected by brain injury. They were founded in 1985 as a support group by families and interested professionals to address the needs of people with brain injuries and their carers and families. Since then, they have grown, and now provide a range of community-based rehabilitation support services and information for people affected by brain injury, whatever the severity of injury.


Tafel Dortmund

Despite still being perfectly edible, tons of food are destroyed in Germany every day. At the same time, there are millions of people in this country who do not have enough to eat. The Tafel are working on bridging this gap between excess on the one hand and lack on the other. They collect qualitatively good food that would otherwise land in the garbage and distribute it for free or a symbolic amount to socially and economically disadvantaged people. There are currently more than 940 Tafel in Germany. All of them are nonprofit organizations. The Tafel support more than 1.5 million people in need of food throughout the country – nearly one third of them are children and youth. They are funded by donations and receive no public funding.